How To Get Insta-Worthy Shots By Yourself

So you’re on a solo trip but you want some killer shots for your insta? I got you. Every picture you have doesn’t have to be a selfie with the pretty scenery in the background!

Let’s start with what I use:

**I spent my own money on all of the products listed below.

-I happen to have a Nikon Z7. Its a fancy AF DLSR that I honestly shoot in mostly automatic while I’m still learning the back end of photography. If you’re an actual photographer don’t @ me. I’m learning all the manual goodness but I’m not there yet! You can do this with as little as an iPhone.

-For the tripod I have the Sunpack Travel Lite Pro. This was the only tripod available at BestBuy when I went in so its what I bought. That being said, it was super durable and I’m glad I had something so heavy duty with the desert wind and sand! It packed away nicely in my hiking pack and though it did add some weight-it was an absolute necessity and I’d highly recommend it.

The real star of the show is the *Vello Freewave Wireless Remote. The best $40 I’ve ever spent. This remote trigger made it possible for me to take pictures from quite a ways off with gorgeous scenery in the background! I was specifically looking for a remote trigger that was compatible with the Nikon z7 but there were dozens available on Amazon. I was also looking for one that was only bluetooth and didn’t require any Wifi or usage with an app. I wanted plain and simple. The only downside to this one was that for the longer distances away from the camera you’d need the full antenna of the remote to be in view of the camera. If you look closely, you can see it in a lot of my pictures. I don’t feel the need to photoshop it out at this point in my process so I don’t…

It’s a complete non-essential but my * camera strap is the cutest and I love it so heres the link to it as well if you’re interested! The Floral print isn’t currently available but other prints are!


Here you go! The final products! All edited in Adobe Lightroom with a simple one click filter-nothing else!

I hope this helps for those wanting to get those gram-able pictures without having a photographer or second person handy! Don’t be afraid to be awkard. Don’t be afraid of people gawking. Their feed definitely won’t look as pretty as yours!

And if you somehow stumbled upon this blog without watching the video on how I accomplished this shoot from start to finish-here you go!

Cheers Y’all!



Ep.7 I’m Saying Goodbye…


Ep.6 Swimming with Sea Turtles