Ep.4: Birthday on the High Seas
Honestly, I feel like I was extremely descriptive in the actually video voiceovers of what happened on this episode. There weren’t really too many “behind the scenes” moments on this portion of the trip…So you can scroll through and watch the video at the bottom!
We didn’t do anything but stay in the marina in Miami since Dade County was in complete shut down. Just up the road 30 minutes was Ft. Lauderdale that actually lies in a different county and we were able to enjoy a great restaurant “The Boatyard” and sit on the dock with beautiful yachts and views. It was a fantastic meal and was so nice to actually sit and have a meal somewhere after 2 weeks of boat-eating.
After lunch we meandered to the beach (naturally). Technically you were allowed to walk on the beach but couldn’t set up shop and hang out there like you typically would. It was gorgeous beach so I was glad to see it and look at it from across the street at The Drunken Taco while I enjoyed a margarita.
After 5 days in Miami we set sail for the Bahamas. We were prohibited from setting foot on land but had requested a stop for gas and to anchor overnight from the Bahamian government and were approved. Since I don’t actually enjoy sailing (I’m constantly seasick-go back to episode 3) I was stoked to get to the Clarencetown, Long Island where the boat wouldn’t be moving and I could swim and frolic and do all of the things I love while feeling great! Going back to the Bahamas is definitely at the top of my list of places to visit. Since we only saw the GORGEOUS clear water while anchored-I just know that I need to see more of it.
The attempted trip and then actual trip leaving the Bahamas was fairly awful. Thats in the video so let’s just skip on past that awful time to when it finally was MY BIRTHDAY. We were actually supposed to be in St. Thomas by my birthday but said attempted trip to leave the Bahamas set us behind. I celebrated with a bottle of bubbly from The Messina Hof Winery (in Grapevine, Texas) that was so kindly gifted by my bestie Chelsey! You can check out her Lifestyle Blog here!
Then came the best, final day of the trip. The sea was completely flat. Eerily, crazy flat sea. It was one of the few days that I enjoyed the trip while we were actually moving. I played my 90’s hits playlist on Spotify and laid in the sun all day long. It was glorious! Just before sailing on into St. Thomas, we enjoyed one more sunset where I happened to catch a hidden Mickey sitting in the clouds alongside my favorite color-sunset pink.
If you’ve made it this far, thank you again for following along on my adventure. I cannot express how grateful I am for everyone’s support over the last year. I’ve always wanted to adventure and do things that were big. Things that were different and unique. This trip isn’t completely unique to the sailing community but it is so much different than my underwhelming corporate life in Houston. Anyway…I thank you and wish I could bring every single one of you along with me. If you haven’t watched this episode-here it is again. A like and subscribe and very helpful for this girl to grow her channel!
Cheers Y’all,